Connection failed due to wrongly configured compression algorithm

Jean Louis's profile image Jean Louis posted 3 years ago in General Permalink


I make a new session on HeidiSQL to connect to a MySQL server (version 8.0.27 with TLS 1.2 and 1.3 enabled).

I have configured hostanme, port, user password on général tab. I have enabled SSL and configured the CA SSL Certificate on SSL tab. I have updated the libmysql.dll in the HeidiSQL directory to the 8.0.27 version. I save this session.

When I try to open a connection to it, I have this error : "Connection failed due to wrongly configured compression algorithm" (see attached image).

Any idea please ?

Greetings, JL.

1 attachment(s):
  • 2021-12-13-19_03_32-Erreur-000185

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