HeidiSQL hangs / not responding creating triggers

LR's profile image LR posted 3 years ago in General Permalink


I am using version trying to create a trigger against a MariaDB server. Every time I attempt to do so, HeidiSQL hangs and Windows reports NOT RESPONDING.

Right-click on a database and Create Trigger.

Fill in whatever we need in the Options section. All different kinds of settings seem to hang HeidiSQL.

The Statement defaults to



Start coding inside BEGIN and END and in a few characters HeidiSQL hangs.

I did like so


Pressing SPACE after INSERT hangs.

Thank you.


jmstr8261@gmail.com's profile image jmstr8261@gmail.com posted 3 years ago Permalink

Yes, I'm getting the same issue with

Select Version() query gives me 10.3.30-MariaDB-1:10.3.30+maria~stretch-log

I can type a few words into the Create Trigger, then get a spinning blue wheel and Heidi hangs. For example "UPDATE stock SET st" then it hangs until I force close.

mbabcock@mbsoftwaresolutions.com's profile image mbabcock@mbsoftwaresolutions.com posted 3 years ago Permalink

I'm getting the freeze/hang too every time HeidiSQL tries to use "intellisense" to show me the list of applicable values for the alias in question. This happens repeatedly today when I'm trying to write a new function.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Got the same report from some other users, as well as issue #1568. Apart from myself yet - for some reasons I cannot reproduce that hanging/freezing. So please try to narrow it down, probably post a screen of the settings in Tools > Preferences > SQL.

LR's profile image LR posted 3 years ago Permalink

I'll try to narrow it down but in the meantime, my SQL settings are attached.

Thank you.

1 attachment(s):
  • SQL-Settings
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

I could not yet reproduce the issue again. So, anyone encountering this issue more often, please testwise disable

  • the autocompletion
  • and the uppercase feature,

to test if one of these is the cause for the freeze.

Please disable only one of them at one time, then test. Do not disable both at the same time, otherwise you don't know which of these is the cause.


LR's profile image LR posted 3 years ago Permalink


To touch base on this, I've not had this issue for several weeks. No hangs, no pauses, no slowdowns of any sort. These are my settings.

1 attachment(s):
  • Untitled
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Same for me - no hanging at all in the last month. I wish I could reproduce it so I could fix it.

Jem's profile image Jem posted 2 years ago Permalink

Had a couple of days getting a "Not responding" trying to edit the sql for a view. Its got complex set of nested replace functions which seem to have been created as lower case. The Auto Uppercase reserve words was turned on. Turning of that feature seems to have resolved my issue. Thought it might help someone.

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