Fill Null value in BLOB column from HediSQL.

hahaite's profile image hahaite posted 3 years ago in General Permalink

Please understand my poor English.

Thank you very much for making HeidiSQL.

I have a question. When my table has BLOB column, can I fill NULL value on BLOB column in Heidi SQL?

I know it can be query "update table set image=NULL wheere ~~".

But I wish from "Shift + Ctrl + N". I love it. :)

1 attachment(s):
  • fill_null
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

That should normally work, at least if the value was not NULL before your modification. How does the internal UPDATE query in the log panel at the bottom look like?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Could be your "no" column has no primary key, so the UPDATE query fails to find any row.

hahaite's profile image hahaite posted 3 years ago Permalink

Right~ I just checked "no" column is unique key.

So, I changed to primary key, I could fill NULL from Shift+Ctrl+N.

Thank you very much for your guide. :)

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Just for completeness: a column may be defined with a unique key, but the column may still allow NULLs, which makes it non-unique again. I suppose that was the case on your "no" column. Setting it to not allow NULLs would have had the same effect as defining it as primary key.

hahaite's profile image hahaite posted 3 years ago Permalink

Thank you for good information. I will remember Unique Key + not allows NULL, too. :)

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