Connection HeidiSQL to Joomla

Rossie_'s profile image Rossie_ posted 3 years ago in General Permalink

Hye, im a newbie to this forum.

I would like to ask, how to do the connection between HeidiSQL with Joomla 4? We use HeidiSQL for our server and PHPMyAdmin in our localhost. We are able to connect with PHPMyAdmin in our localhost but we were stuck to do it in our server.

I hope you guys can help us. Thanks in advance :D

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Just like you do in PHPMyAdmin - you have to define the host, the user and probably a password in the configuration. If you did not change anything in PMA, it's likely "localhost", or "", with the username "root" and an empty password.

Note that Joomla is an application. Bothe PMA and HeidiSQL connect to a database server, not to an application.

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