View more of 1000 records

ocalle905's profile image ocalle905 posted 3 years ago in General Permalink

Hi, i have this trouble, thanks for some light about this.

in Mysql it does not show me more than 1000 records, I am consulting a database and it is not possible to look beyond 1000 records, I enter with PHPmyAdmin and I see them perfectly, what can be happening?

thank you


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

That 1000 is just a default limit. There are several ways to go beyond the 1000th row:

Click the "Next" button on top of the grid:


Same when using the PageDown key on the keyboard.

Click the "Show all" button.

Change the default 1000 to some higher value, in Tools > Preferences:


ocalle905's profile image ocalle905 posted 3 years ago Permalink

Thank you!

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