Windows: Feature "Truncate log lines after"

mewcrazy's profile image mewcrazy posted 3 years ago in General Permalink


I'm using the newest HeidiSQL version and I just noticed that the "Settings -> Logging -> Truncate log lines after" function is not working properly. When setting any value, the value get's ignored and the log lines are still getting truncated. Tested with values 0 and 9999.

HeidiSQL version: Similar threads: heidisql[dot]com/forum.php?t=36460 OS: Windows 10 Pro

Kind regards, Dennis Bitsch

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

There is no truncate option in preferences. You probably mean the "log last x lines" option, or the "snip to x characters" setting? Also note the snip setting does not do anything if set to "0".

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