Is there any way to have multiple panes/windows within one Heidi SQL Instance?

nickc's profile image nickc posted 3 years ago in General Permalink

I am wondering if there is any way to have multiple panes open within one instance of HeidiSQL.

This would be extremely useful so that I could have a query open in one pane while browsing a table in the other. Or two queries. Or two different tables. It is very hard to keep track of things when I am constantly switching tabs.

If it isn't possible right now, is it something that you might consider adding in the future?


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Yes, you can open multiple connections in one HeidiSQL window. Just connect to all your servers you want, to make it look like this:


You can also automatically connect to the previous connections the next time, if you activate the following option:


nickc's profile image nickc posted 3 years ago Permalink


However, I was trying to describe something different. I only want to have ONE instance of HeidiSQL open and have it connected to ONE database. Within that single connection, I'd love to be able to have multiple panes open side-by-side within the content area of the Heidi Instance - as you can do in, say, VS Code or Microsoft Excel or many other programs.

I've attached a mockup image where there's two tables and a query open side by side.

Is this something you'd consider adding?


1 attachment(s):
  • Heidi
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Well images say more than words. However, that's currently not supported in HeidiSQL, and quite unlikely to happen. How large is your screen?

nickc's profile image nickc posted 3 years ago Permalink

My screen isn't all that large - 1440p. Anyway, thanks for the response and consideration! I'll try a dual window/instance and see how it goes.

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