Bug: password disappears from vault

the_leb's profile image the_leb posted 2 years ago in General Permalink

To reproduce the bug:

  1. Disconnect and close Heidi
  2. Get on a VPN
  3. Connect to a server which has IP whitelisting (eg. any GoDaddy)
  4. Connection is refused because you are not whitelisted
  5. Disconnect from the VPN (Now you should be able to connect to the DB)
  6. Password is gone, even if it was stored in the vault
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Are you sure you saved the password in your session? There is no place in the code where the password gets silently removed from a session.

By the way, the password is not really stored in a vault, but obfuscated in your user-scope registry area.

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