Queries in left side pane instead of top tabs

norad's profile image norad posted 2 years ago in General Permalink

Are there any plans to be able to show the open queries in a left side pane instead of the top tab? When you have many open queries (more than 10-15) its hard to find them in the top tab. If we could have them on the left and be able to sort them by name (or custom sort) it would be much easier to find them.


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

I was recently searching for an old tab with specific content, which was quite hard. I just think of a simple dialog listing all query tabs in a list, triggered by a keyboard shortcut, with a filter input on top which searches for tab names and even its content. Similar to the filter on the session manager.

PsPsPs's profile image PsPsPs posted 2 years ago Permalink

Hi, I have exactly the same problem. It would be much more efficient if the tabs were left-aligned. I usually work in a query, then jump into a table view and have to go back to my tab, which is now hidden somewhere between the other tabs. It doesn't help there that the lines in the horizontal tab menu also jump.

I looked at the source code and the TPageControl used can also display the position on the left side. However, it is more difficult to display the text horizontally and then also to take the width into account.

I myself would use other components that have this attribute already included, but Heidi can't do that, due to the limitation of free elements and the impact of changing a core element.

An alternative solution could be to open the individual tabs as a popup, which I don't think is possible yet.

Or you can split it into two TPagecontrols for queries and other database-related tabs.

1 attachment(s):
  • Heidi_tabs

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