I can't seem to discover the solution that will make it all make sense for me.
I currently have a live MariaDB database instance running on AWS RDS. Then, after getting MariaDB, my Windows PC also received HeidiSQL and a MySQL/MariaDB terminal.
Using the endpoint and port number, I was able to connect the HeidiSQL client to my AWS RDS and build some databases.
I recently installed Sypder (Anaconda3) on my computer because I am studying Python. I need help connecting my Python file to my HeidiSQL/MariaDB/AWS RDS so I can see the databases I've created. Can someone kindly explain how to do this? On my.py, I'm attempting to save the tables into a pandas dataframe.
I attempted using Spyder's terminal, but it doesn't appear to recognise the command "mysql." Has HeidiSQL developed a custom command?
I would be so grateful for any advice on how to proceed!!