Error importing file csv

rosario01's profile image rosario01 posted 12 months ago in Import/Export Permalink

I am trying to import a file csv in heidisql but it doesn't work. I have created the db, the table and all columns manually, indicating the type ( I have used varchar for character and double for numeric) and lenght (for varchar, I have used default value). I have clicked date, tools, import file csv, I have selected the file csv but and tried to import but it displaied an error message "No row imported".

1 attachment(s):
  • Heidi2
rosario01's profile image rosario01 posted 12 months ago Permalink

In attachments there is a file containing link of the dataset (The site doesn't allow me to write the link on message

1 attachment(s):
TTSneko's profile image TTSneko posted 12 months ago Permalink

Not a Heidi problem.

Such things happen when script kids "publish" unchecked data. I only needed one quick look to see that there are incorrect entries in the CSV file, e.g. lines 17, 17943, etc. in which one element of the description in the track_album_name contains a comma, successfully corrupting the data.

Take the CSV and proof-read it in Excel or whatever before trying anything else.

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