File seems corrpt

vaibhavs's profile image vaibhavs posted 14 years ago in HeidiSQL portable Permalink

I do not understand why, every time I use heidisql.exe, I get an error message "the file "heidisql.exe" seems to be corrupt".

I have to delete the executable & extract it again from the downloaded archive and it works fine. But the next time I run the executable, the same error.

In short, every time I execute heidisql.exe, I get the file corruption error. All other EXEs on my PC work fine. This has been happening since a couple of months now.
Checked my PC for virus and its all clean.

OS: Windows 7 Professional
HeidiSQL.exe version:

Any suggestions ?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 14 years ago Permalink
No idea, never heard that before.

You should go and click Help > Check for updates, and update to the latest build. Maybe that helps.

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