Unable to set NULL in Foreign key field

Acs's profile image Acs posted 10 years ago in General Permalink

So when I try to set a value in the Data tab for a foreign key value I am presented with a dropdown with all the values of the field that foreign key links to.

This is all very nice, but the problem is that I have the "Allow NULL" set for that foreign key and from the Data tab there doesn't seem a way to set that field back to NULL.

I am using the latest version (
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 10 years ago Permalink
You should be able to focus the field and press Shift+Ctrl+N (or rightclick > "Insert value" > "NULL"). Do not enter the editing mode in that field!
Acs's profile image Acs posted 10 years ago Permalink
You are correct, but wouldn't it be easier just to set an empty line in the select (or something with (NULL))?

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