Feature request: Multiple table data tabs

[expired user #9034]'s profile image [expired user #9034] posted 9 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink

Please add support for working with multiple tables simultaneously, i.e. so that I can have multiple "Data" tabs open for different tables.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 years ago Permalink

That single "Data" tab is a basic concept of HeidiSQL, to meet newbies and users without opening a separate tab for each table clicked.

Apart from that, I think separate data tabs would need major changes in the UI. For example, how would you open these additional tabs? Does every click on another table open a new data tab?

[expired user #9034]'s profile image [expired user #9034] posted 9 years ago Permalink

Well, for a basic concept it's quite powerful - is in fact a fully functional grid with filtering and editing capability.

I was thinking it could be opened just like a new query tab (Ctrl-T), maybe with Ctrl-D? :) Then just show the table name in that tab instead of just "Data". The default "Data" tab can continue working as it does now.

[expired user #9775]'s profile image [expired user #9775] posted 9 years ago Permalink

I use data grid view a lot, so I would also love that feature.

Right now if you navigate between 2 or more tables in data view, you have to either mark them as favorite in tree view or filter by name which is not efficient.

Regarding your question "how would you open these additional tabs? Does every click on another table open a new data tab?": maybe right on the tree item and select "Open in new data tab" or left click on tree item and some shortcut?

hazardland's profile image hazardland posted 9 years ago Permalink

Mark tables at left as favorite, filter by favorite, imagine tables listed at left are tabs = having tables in tabs effect

[expired user #9938]'s profile image [expired user #9938] posted 9 years ago Permalink

Mark tables at left as favorite, filter by favorite, imagine tables listed at left are tabs = having tables in tabs effect

This is not the same, because people need to keep the set filters, shown columns and current selected row, in other words whole state in one tab. Your way effectively clears that.

That single "Data" tab is a basic concept of HeidiSQL, to meet newbies and users without opening a separate tab for each table clicked.

Apart from that, I think separate data tabs would need major changes in the UI. For example, how would you open these additional tabs? Does every click on another table open a new data tab?

First, I think "Open on single click" is a bad idea, since people usually click on tables to select them out of habit (as they do with files), and loading a big table every time somebody accidentally clicks on table is not really good. Tables should be opened by double click only.

Second, for UI implementation, it's easy to implement, just put the whole panel with opened table inside another tab which shows that table. So we will basically have tabs inside a table tab. And when you open another table, it will add another tab.

This is also a feature I need for web development and will make HeidiSQL more awesome. :)

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