Show triggers for a table

Xenos's profile image Xenos posted 9 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink


When viewing a table (for a MySQL DB or others: I use HeidiSQL mainly for MySQL), we can view table structure, indexes, partitions, and foreign keys.

It would be great to also have the list of triggers concerning this table.

In MySQL, one would do a


It would be useful to have a tab showing these triggers for the table, and allowing to "open" them (just as one would do by clicking the corresponding trigger in the session panel [the left pannel])

lukinhaspm's profile image lukinhaspm posted 9 years ago Permalink

I agree!

It will help a lot!

[expired user #11393]'s profile image [expired user #11393] posted 7 years ago Permalink

I second this. I joined the forum just to request this feature.

lukinhaspm's profile image lukinhaspm posted 7 years ago Permalink

Need to add in Github...

[expired user #11393]'s profile image [expired user #11393] posted 7 years ago Permalink

Done. Issue 219

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