Remember field selection & order - import csv

BubikolRamios's profile image BubikolRamios posted 9 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink

Can you please do that.

Got used not to trust Heidi on any report "all rows were imported", so allways checking manualy.

Since import reports al kinds of wrong data including "all rows imported", and they are not imported at all, also import can be breaked due to various reasons, like duplicate key violation ..., csv might be bad , ....

One can repeatedly trying to import same file, like me finding myself now importing like 30+ time in roll same file

If one is impotring into table with lets say 10 fields and is before import selecting 5 fields + optionaly moving them up and down if in csv they are not in same order. It would be great if Heidi would remember last selection & order of at least last table imported, if not last selection & order for all tables that were filled by csv import.

It is pain & time consuming if you are repeatedly selecting & reordering before csv import and that said for only one repeat, ...

BubikolRamios's profile image BubikolRamios posted 9 years ago Permalink

To encourage actionon that (-: Real example, and I aleady make a mistake, not selecting one of neccessary fields.

BubikolRamios's profile image BubikolRamios posted 9 years ago Permalink

BTW: noticed that checkmark on right is showing wrong, if you click it, turns unchecked but all fields turns checked ....

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