shouldn't file paths be relative inside portable_settings.txt ?

abu's profile image abu posted 7 years ago in HeidiSQL portable Permalink

I am just trying a portable version of HeidiSQL.

I want to keep working on it when I go back to my work computer at office, after summer.

But looking to portable_settings.txt file, this seems odd to me, and I think it will fail:

Some values, like ExportSQL_FileNames, SQLFile0, SQLFile1 and so on, do store absolute paths to files. Example of my home computer paths:


This lets keep things working if I move the heidisql.exe to another path inside my computer. But that's not the objective of a portable version, I think. The point is keep things working if I move my files to a new computer, which would probably imply a new location (drive letter, different path ...)

In my destination computer at the office, the example file would be here:


I think the correct approach would be like this:

  • portable_settings.txt should store relative paths of files (in relation to heidisql.exe path)
  • user of portable heidisql.exe should take care of keeping stable paths of files in relation to heidisql.exe, so everything keeps working when moving stuff to a new computer

I post this without having tried to use it at work, so please correct me if I am wrong and I can safely assume that portable settings will keep running (perhaps heidisql.exe is somehow capable of remembering the last absolute path it was opened from, and rewrite all the other paths when necessary).

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