trying to connect to MSSQL server using named pipe in HeidiSQL

raphael75's profile image raphael75 posted 6 years ago in General Permalink

I'm trying to connect to a MSSQL server in our office from my local desktop using HeidiSQL. I am able to connect to this server with both SQL Server Management Studio and ODBC with no problems. The connection uses integrated Windows authentication. I installed the MS OLE DB SQL x64 driver. My settings in HeidiSQL are:

network type: Microsoft SQL Server (named pipe)


hostname: <server>\<instance>

use windows authentication is checked

every time I try to connect I get:

SQL Error (0): SQL Server Network Interfaces: Server doesn't support requested protocol [xFFFFFFFF] Login timeout expired

It doesn't tell me what protocol is being used, and I don't see any options to change it. Does "protocol" in this case refer to the library?

Is there some way to change the protocol in Heidi?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 6 years ago Permalink

Yes, of course. Try tcp ip instead of named pipe in the network type drop down.

raphael75's profile image raphael75 posted 6 years ago Permalink

When I tried TCP/IP (leaving everything else the same) I get this error:

SQL Error (0): TCP Provider No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. Login timeout expired

I don't understand why I get this in Heidi when SSMS and ODBC can connect.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 6 years ago Permalink

Probably update to the latest build of heidisql, and then select the other option in the new library drop down on the session manager.

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