cancel replace

BubikolRamios's profile image BubikolRamios posted 3 years ago in General Permalink

Can you sort that, right most window would have "cancel all replace", or something. One forgets to check 'Selection' and gets stuck, can't do anything but kill program.

Possible way out would be adding 'ignore sql error' check, default on.

Note - the message on screen comes from trigger ...

image description

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Is that really happening with the latest HeidiSQL version?

BubikolRamios's profile image BubikolRamios posted 3 years ago Permalink

Latest nightly build, a bit different, but, all looks ok (really not), then you click into data tab, and repeats idefinitely SAME sql that produces error on trigger. like:

UPDATE test SET f = 'foo' where f1 = 'foo1' / SQL Error (1048): Column 'id_tezaver' cannot be null / Upper error comes from attempt to trigger insert something into another table.

BubikolRamios's profile image BubikolRamios posted 3 years ago Permalink

SAME sql means update of exactly same row.

BubikolRamios's profile image BubikolRamios posted 3 years ago Permalink

Note, you don't realy have to kill a prog in latest ver. to get out, you can set focus to another table and come back to table of interest. An ugly workaround. As said, nice would be ignoring all sql errors and replace update all records that can be updated.

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