Editor Question

[expired user #3289]'s profile image [expired user #3289] posted 15 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink
Does Heidisql have an editor for editing large databases?

- j
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 15 years ago Permalink
Well, HeidiSQL itself is the editor for a database ... not sure what you think is the difference between a small and a large database (apart from the obvious thing)?
[expired user #3289]'s profile image [expired user #3289] posted 15 years ago Permalink
You're right.

I suppose I'm thinking about format; recently, another program allowed me to display and edit an sql file, from my hard drive, as though I was working with a text editor.

The advantage was that such format allowed me to easily examine my database, for errors. (Why? Because another program was having problems with my database and I was trying to determine the reason.)

So, I was wondering it Heidisql had the equivalent or was working on it.

- j
kalvaro's profile image kalvaro posted 15 years ago Permalink
What do you mean by "display", "edit" and "sql file" that doesn't belong to HeidiSQL's feature list? Are you trying to edit very large SQL dumps and HeidiSQL is unresponsive? Can't you make the syntax highlighting work?
[expired user #3289]'s profile image [expired user #3289] posted 15 years ago Permalink
I stand corrected; I forgot about the query editor.

- j

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