would heidisql erase my connection to this forum... ty

[expired user #7454]'s profile image [expired user #7454] posted 11 years ago in General Permalink
mysql iconds after install go in windows 8.1 metro mode
not in the desktop
mysql workbench loads ok then but if you add the link to it in a web padge
you get the error note saying
this link can harm your computer. do you want to run it

it allso shows this message when i click the workbench from file explorer
can not verify publisher. do you want to run it

so all is ok as long as its run with a bandaid on it

now try to run the workbench from the command prompt
can not open this link

and when you install heidisql you get the prompt from windows

do you want to install it on your hard drive
publisher unknown

good bye

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