the truth about heidiSQL history in wikipedia

[expired user #9491]'s profile image [expired user #9491] posted 9 years ago in General Permalink

Hi i was a licenced user of old MysQL front (still use it ) and i hate was i read on the wikipedia website . Does nile Hoyer was the first developper of MySQL front or Mr Ansgar Becker? It is a personnal message since no email from you ? i modify the wikipedia article ( with syntax error) today fire me if i wrong but love "talented" developper and hate lawsuit infringment from Mysq AB or uniloc .


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 years ago Permalink

I developped the first MySQL-Front 1.x, back in 2001 up to 2003. I stopped developing it due to building my house, getting children and making wedding. Then, in 2004 if I recall right, Nils Hoyer paid me for the right to use the name "MySQL-Front" for his own clone. He made a shareware application with his own code in the same language (Pascal/Delphi), and had several problems with MySQL which is mentioned on Wikipedia. Some years later, not sure when exactly, Nils stopped developing MySQL-Front.

In 2007, I took my old sources from 2003 and put it on SourceForge. As I sold the name MySQL-Front, I was in need for a new name. So I asked my colleagues. The proposals were mostly unusable, I tell you. My colleague Daniel was a "fan" of Heidi Klum, a german model, and so he mentioned HeidiSQL . Yes, damn me for using that name. I only was impatient with the unimportant task of finding a name, as I wanted to start coding, so it was HeidiSQL in the end. Well, and here we are, in 2015, still OpenSource.

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