Soon after you posted this announcement a new paragraph appeared in the statement of N. Hoyer:
"The original developer, Ansgar Becker, wanted to go ahead with his development in march 2006. Since we don't accepted this advertising with the name "MySQL-Front" we beleave he contacted MySQL to fight agains us."
Is that true - in fact I know you will say "I have nothing to do with it", but the question might be: Why are you working AGAINST each other rather then cooperate?
Beste Gr
Zu: Announcement: End of MySQL-Front ? Some words from...
I wouldn't say that I have got nothing to do with it ... that wouldn't be true. The facts are these:
1. I absolutely never had the idea of working against someone with HeidiSQL! Both applications have their own pros and cons and therefore both have their right to exist.
2. I never sold or gave Nils Hoyer any line of source-code of the old MySQL-Front 2.5 . He only got the rights to use the name "MySQL-Front" on his own application.
3. I never wanted to do some kind of "advertising" as Mr. Hoyer says - why should I ? HeidiSQL is OpenSource, nobody is earning money with it.
So please don't follow this kind of "mud-wrestling" (Schlammschlacht) Nils Hoyer is doing currently.
1. I absolutely never had the idea of working against someone with HeidiSQL! Both applications have their own pros and cons and therefore both have their right to exist.
2. I never sold or gave Nils Hoyer any line of source-code of the old MySQL-Front 2.5 . He only got the rights to use the name "MySQL-Front" on his own application.
3. I never wanted to do some kind of "advertising" as Mr. Hoyer says - why should I ? HeidiSQL is OpenSource, nobody is earning money with it.
So please don't follow this kind of "mud-wrestling" (Schlammschlacht) Nils Hoyer is doing currently.
Basically Nils Hoyer could simply have changed the name of the program and his domain. That was all what MySQL demanded.
I think he uses this as an EXCUSE for abandoning the MysqlFront program. His proposals for a solution to MySQL are ridiculous. His understanding of a 'partnership' with MySQL AB even more. He does not seem to have a realistic approach to the world around him.
HeidiSQL will probably benefit from this as we will, so I shall not regret the situation!
Peter Laursen
I think he uses this as an EXCUSE for abandoning the MysqlFront program. His proposals for a solution to MySQL are ridiculous. His understanding of a 'partnership' with MySQL AB even more. He does not seem to have a realistic approach to the world around him.
HeidiSQL will probably benefit from this as we will, so I shall not regret the situation!
Peter Laursen
Let me be the first to say, welcome back...! Actually I'm one burnt by herr hoyer... I only *just* found that the website had disappeared. A quick google landed me to heidisql!
My story: well, after you left the project, I had actually paid the 35 euros (or whatever) to buy the product and let me say in the past 2-3 years I haven't received a stable, usable build... it's been pretty much in beta (that's kind, I would say 'alpha') all of that time.
I even managed to cop some abuse from the developer while trialling the software... go figure, so I hardly ever posted bugs, etc... I found that people who did post bugs were very much like beta testers and people who complained in the forums were written off as 'idiots' and 'unwelcome'.
In fact, for the first 6 months I was still switching between 2.5 and the (so called) 3.0. Not nice when you pay for the privilege of beta testing.
So frustrated I recently abandoned mysqlfront and purchased webyog instead (hence I haven't heard about the mysql ab threats to mysqlfront)
Let me conclude by saying, some people take pride in what they do, whether for money or not, and some people are just there to cash in.
I'm a bit saddened that the legacy of mysqlfront has to end like this, but I'm happy that heidisql has been reborn.
Best of luck... will be following your work closely
hope that heidi sql will pay off for you.
from sunny (well it's winter now) Sydney, Australia.
Let me be the first to say, welcome back...! Actually I'm one burnt by herr hoyer... I only *just* found that the website had disappeared. A quick google landed me to heidisql!
My story: well, after you left the project, I had actually paid the 35 euros (or whatever) to buy the product and let me say in the past 2-3 years I haven't received a stable, usable build... it's been pretty much in beta (that's kind, I would say 'alpha') all of that time.
I even managed to cop some abuse from the developer while trialling the software... go figure, so I hardly ever posted bugs, etc... I found that people who did post bugs were very much like beta testers and people who complained in the forums were written off as 'idiots' and 'unwelcome'.
In fact, for the first 6 months I was still switching between 2.5 and the (so called) 3.0. Not nice when you pay for the privilege of beta testing.
So frustrated I recently abandoned mysqlfront and purchased webyog instead (hence I haven't heard about the mysql ab threats to mysqlfront)
Let me conclude by saying, some people take pride in what they do, whether for money or not, and some people are just there to cash in.
I'm a bit saddened that the legacy of mysqlfront has to end like this, but I'm happy that heidisql has been reborn.
Best of luck... will be following your work closely

from sunny (well it's winter now) Sydney, Australia.
I am absolutely not happy about the course MySQL-Front has taken. Maybe I shouldn't have sold Mr. Hoyer the name, but unfortunately I can't turn back time.
One pretty news on HeidiSQL is that I recently found a professional developer (ok, basicaly he found me
) which has already done some very good work on it: ranking of bugs to fix, enhanced source-packages so they work nearly out of the box, strategy on using threads and other things. I am not sure if you shall mention his name here - so I let him do so himself :)
One pretty news on HeidiSQL is that I recently found a professional developer (ok, basicaly he found me

Hi, also from my side well come back.
Just like snowy I went through the same night mare.
I also spent at some time the $35 or so for MySQLFront being impressed by the progress. But then I downloaded tens of updates over the years. Each revision solved some bugs, we got impressive new features, BUT at the same time new MAJOR bugs come up. After each upgrade I made a bet with myself which part of MySQL-Front or SQLFront - as it is called now - would be unusable. A somehow stable version was never reached in my opinion. I would call it a continous alpha state over years. The SQLFront management seems to stop development (?) and try to sell the application code - I regret who ever would buy these collection of bugs.
I read with interest that you are focusing with HeidiSQL on bug ranking and fixing, and then features ...
I'm not familiar with Delphi, but being a Java expert. For me Java would be clearly the language of choice for such a product - platform independant, very stable, powerful international character encoding, good u/i, very stable db library, .... Whenever a couple of developpers would come together to port and continue HeidiSQL with Java I would be glad to contribute.
Greeting from the sunny and hot Germany (in summertime right now)
Just like snowy I went through the same night mare.
I also spent at some time the $35 or so for MySQLFront being impressed by the progress. But then I downloaded tens of updates over the years. Each revision solved some bugs, we got impressive new features, BUT at the same time new MAJOR bugs come up. After each upgrade I made a bet with myself which part of MySQL-Front or SQLFront - as it is called now - would be unusable. A somehow stable version was never reached in my opinion. I would call it a continous alpha state over years. The SQLFront management seems to stop development (?) and try to sell the application code - I regret who ever would buy these collection of bugs.
I read with interest that you are focusing with HeidiSQL on bug ranking and fixing, and then features ...
I'm not familiar with Delphi, but being a Java expert. For me Java would be clearly the language of choice for such a product - platform independant, very stable, powerful international character encoding, good u/i, very stable db library, .... Whenever a couple of developpers would come together to port and continue HeidiSQL with Java I would be glad to contribute.
Greeting from the sunny and hot Germany (in summertime right now)
(off topic) hehe,
hi heinz,
yes we've been seeing a lot of germany recently on TV in australia; probably right up until kaiserslautern
(many late nights for me)
lovely place, will have to visit again sometime soon...
Yeah, don't know who would by the source code...
wrt to delphi, (I've got a copy of delphi 1.0!!! somewhere), it's not a bad platform (oo pascal), there is kylix which allows delphi to port over to linux, not sure where how good the porting is though... the only other minor issue with java is that it's probably a little heavier than I like (eg, I like eclipse, but it's such a memory hog)
hi heinz,
yes we've been seeing a lot of germany recently on TV in australia; probably right up until kaiserslautern

lovely place, will have to visit again sometime soon...
Yeah, don't know who would by the source code...
wrt to delphi, (I've got a copy of delphi 1.0!!! somewhere), it's not a bad platform (oo pascal), there is kylix which allows delphi to port over to linux, not sure where how good the porting is though... the only other minor issue with java is that it's probably a little heavier than I like (eg, I like eclipse, but it's such a memory hog)
>>> SQLFront?
Simple, I just followed the link after
Simple, I just followed the link after
big Welcome back from Bochum, Germany.
We use MySQLFront 2.5 since 2002 in our company,
i try many other Tools but no one else is so a great work in our daily work
as MySQLFront 2.5.
The MySQLFront 3.x from Hoyer was not an options, because we use big Databases with big tables und the application crashes simply by reading the tabels from the databases.
We buy dbtools , because we want to upgrade MySQL to Version 4.1/5.0 but noone use the alternative Tools, so the fact, that MySQLFront 2.5 dont support MySQL 4.1 and above is the mainreason, that we dont upgrade our MySQLserver !
HeideSQL looks not so stable as the Version 2.5 , but it is the same behauvior, so i do my best to help you to make heidisql 3.x so stable and successful as MySQLFront 2.5.
Richard Stracke
big Welcome back from Bochum, Germany.
We use MySQLFront 2.5 since 2002 in our company,
i try many other Tools but no one else is so a great work in our daily work
as MySQLFront 2.5.
The MySQLFront 3.x from Hoyer was not an options, because we use big Databases with big tables und the application crashes simply by reading the tabels from the databases.
We buy dbtools , because we want to upgrade MySQL to Version 4.1/5.0 but noone use the alternative Tools, so the fact, that MySQLFront 2.5 dont support MySQL 4.1 and above is the mainreason, that we dont upgrade our MySQLserver !
HeideSQL looks not so stable as the Version 2.5 , but it is the same behauvior, so i do my best to help you to make heidisql 3.x so stable and successful as MySQLFront 2.5.
Richard Stracke
Hello All ,
Well i dont know all about all of this but i do know that i used Mysql Front it was easy to use and i liked it . I have been looking all over for it !! I saw the name change and was wondering what was going on . Now i see and may i say to you the developers on that wonderful program . THANK YOU . I have now downloaded and installed Heidi SQL . And YES !!!!!! I am back in bussiness . I had lost my original MySql due to a pc hack attack . I have been safe for over 5 years and i lost almost all my info with little back ups so i have been slowly puting my pc all back togther and was oh so disapointed in the fact i could not find My SQL Front again and that the peeps producing it have seemed to lost interst in it . You have no idea how happy it makes me to have found you and found out what the heck is really going on . And most of all i am glad to see the you will carry on and keep up the Exelent work on your program Heidi SQL !!! I Wish you the best in all possibale ways !!!!!
[size=24:d15d8f4b31]Heidi SQL ROCKS!!!!!!![/size:d15d8f4b31]
Well i dont know all about all of this but i do know that i used Mysql Front it was easy to use and i liked it . I have been looking all over for it !! I saw the name change and was wondering what was going on . Now i see and may i say to you the developers on that wonderful program . THANK YOU . I have now downloaded and installed Heidi SQL . And YES !!!!!! I am back in bussiness . I had lost my original MySql due to a pc hack attack . I have been safe for over 5 years and i lost almost all my info with little back ups so i have been slowly puting my pc all back togther and was oh so disapointed in the fact i could not find My SQL Front again and that the peeps producing it have seemed to lost interst in it . You have no idea how happy it makes me to have found you and found out what the heck is really going on . And most of all i am glad to see the you will carry on and keep up the Exelent work on your program Heidi SQL !!! I Wish you the best in all possibale ways !!!!!
[size=24:d15d8f4b31]Heidi SQL ROCKS!!!!!!![/size:d15d8f4b31]
I've been using MySQL-Front since V2.2 -- in fact, that's the version I'm STILL using because the newer ones would hang while reading the database info or table info or ... whatever. So it's nice to see new development work being done!
I'd like to see support for the proxy script that the other guy added so you don't have to open up public ports to use a client app.
I've also been reading some stuff about the new "Federated Tables" support in MySQL 5 that lets you virtualize your tables. I can imagine running MySQL 5 on my local destop with "federated" instances of all of my remote servers and tables reflected in the local server. Then using this tool to access them. By adding some additional hooks to this, it would be a piece of cake to have a centralized management console for ALL of your remote databases everywhere!
BTW, I *LOVE* Delphi! I've been programming with it professionally for years and years. Glad to see one of my favorite apps written in it!
I'd like to see support for the proxy script that the other guy added so you don't have to open up public ports to use a client app.
I've also been reading some stuff about the new "Federated Tables" support in MySQL 5 that lets you virtualize your tables. I can imagine running MySQL 5 on my local destop with "federated" instances of all of my remote servers and tables reflected in the local server. Then using this tool to access them. By adding some additional hooks to this, it would be a piece of cake to have a centralized management console for ALL of your remote databases everywhere!
BTW, I *LOVE* Delphi! I've been programming with it professionally for years and years. Glad to see one of my favorite apps written in it!
Is Heidi SQL translatable as well, maybee I should contribute with my translation then.
Currently HeidiSQL is not translateable. We could add this request to our feature-tracker. But due to most developers speaking and reading english more or less fluently this will probably not not get the highest priority.
Currently we are more concentrating on bugfixing than on new features to get the final 3.0 out soon.
Welcome back Anse!
I found this site by accident...I was helping my son use MySQL-Front2.5 for a project and I clicked on Help/Online-FAQ which re-directed me to this forum.
I have been using MySQL-Front since 2001 so I was pleased to see that support is alive again.
Best Regards,
- Ron
I found this site by accident...I was helping my son use MySQL-Front2.5 for a project and I clicked on Help/Online-FAQ which re-directed me to this forum.
I have been using MySQL-Front since 2001 so I was pleased to see that support is alive again.
Best Regards,
- Ron
Like others on this thread, we have been using MySQL-Front 2.5 for years now. We looked into "upgrading" to the 3.x version from Hoyer to get proper MySQL 4.x/5.0 support, but there were too many things lacking in the Hoyer version. When I posted a "What we need to buy upgrades" list on the forums, it kicked of a private e-mail thread where Hoyer explained I was not welcome as a customer in ways more rude than I have ever experienced.
I have been trying to contact Ansgar personally to beg him to release the sources of the 2.x branch, but have been unsuccessful.
And today I accidentally found HeidiSQL. Good old 2.x GUI and features, with hope for further development. Hallelujah!
I'll get back with a list of things I actually liked with the Hoyer 3.x version, apart from the updated server support. (It's shorter than the list mentioned above...).
I have been trying to contact Ansgar personally to beg him to release the sources of the 2.x branch, but have been unsuccessful.
And today I accidentally found HeidiSQL. Good old 2.x GUI and features, with hope for further development. Hallelujah!
I'll get back with a list of things I actually liked with the Hoyer 3.x version, apart from the updated server support. (It's shorter than the list mentioned above...).
I have been using MySQL-Front for quite some time at work. Everybody else in my company uses SQLyog, but i just don't get the feel for yog.
Since i was never aware that the name had been sold i updated to the new version (v3) to find myself in the middle of a buggy program. Sometimes it crashed totally, even taking my complete system with it. So i needed a restart to get it up and running again.
Today i suddenly couldn't take it anymore and went looking for another MySQL-prog. I found Heidi, and when i first looked at the screenshots i immediately got happy. It looked like a port of MySQL-Front !!! :D:D
I immediately installed it, and love it... When i found a button to export/import settings i saw the name MySQL-Front, which made me do a good Google to find out if it was indeed a port of MySQL-Front...
I then found this post on the forum.
Thanx Ansgar for going on with the development of Heidi, I will certainly keep using it, and if you would implement a multi-language system i could do the Dutch translation. Though i too think most people would just use English, but for the people not being SYS-Admins it could be great to have it in there native language.
Since i was never aware that the name had been sold i updated to the new version (v3) to find myself in the middle of a buggy program. Sometimes it crashed totally, even taking my complete system with it. So i needed a restart to get it up and running again.
Today i suddenly couldn't take it anymore and went looking for another MySQL-prog. I found Heidi, and when i first looked at the screenshots i immediately got happy. It looked like a port of MySQL-Front !!! :D:D
I immediately installed it, and love it... When i found a button to export/import settings i saw the name MySQL-Front, which made me do a good Google to find out if it was indeed a port of MySQL-Front...
I then found this post on the forum.
Thanx Ansgar for going on with the development of Heidi, I will certainly keep using it, and if you would implement a multi-language system i could do the Dutch translation. Though i too think most people would just use English, but for the people not being SYS-Admins it could be great to have it in there native language.
Hello Ansgar,
It is good to see you back providing software of real value to the open source community.
Like others who have posted here, I purchased Mr. Hoyer's product, and was sorely disappointed. Adding insult to injury, I have never been treated so rudely by anyone in the software development business in my life!
We are still using MySQL-Front 2.5, however our support team and two of our development systems have been using HeidiSQL RC3, and we like the direction you are going!
Good riddance to those other guys.
It is good to see you back providing software of real value to the open source community.
Like others who have posted here, I purchased Mr. Hoyer's product, and was sorely disappointed. Adding insult to injury, I have never been treated so rudely by anyone in the software development business in my life!
We are still using MySQL-Front 2.5, however our support team and two of our development systems have been using HeidiSQL RC3, and we like the direction you are going!
Good riddance to those other guys.
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