Hi Ansgar!
I'm new on this forum but i'm experienced in HeidiSQL and Delphi for many years. And, as a side notice, i'm the "Codehunter" who has worked and noticed in the SynEdit sources. And as a further side notice, i think the ANSI/Unicode compile error on the SynEdit SVN sources some years ago was my fault - Ashes on my head ^^ ( Forum thread id 13773 ).
At the moment, i try to compile v9.5 sources with an XE4. Its my very first flirt with the HeidiSQL sources. There was some showstoppers. First, i'm commented out madExcept (not included in your distribution but its ok) and the include of RES files in heidisql.dpr at line 49 (cant compile the icon.RC because brcc says "Allocate failed"). I have included the mainicon.ico in the project options. Works fine.
After then, i'm changed grideditlinks.pas:637:NewValue from Integer to SmallInt (also in the decl). Then rebuilt the BPLs for the components to get the binaries fit to XE4. Possible an change by Embarcadero in Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomUpDown.OnChangingEx decl between my XE4 and your Dxx? At this point, the brcc32 and brcc64 works through the project.
After run, i get an error in connection manager because libmysql.dll was not found. I renamed the libmysql32.dll to libmysql.dll. Then my own compiled HeidiSQL runs fine for the first time yaeh :-)
Okay, it was only a little experiment with XE4 because i'm unsure which Delphi version is the best one for HeidiSQL.
After clearifying that, i want to write a complete new replacement for the usermanager.pas. My goal is to have an VirtualTreeview as a hierarchical editor for (inherited) privileges starting from global privileges through scheme and table privileges down to column privileges. This should be very intuitive.
I think this supports a more common use of per-column or per-table privileges to increase the common security of mysql and mariadb databases. My observation is that most users of HeidiSQL are not so familar with security privileges. To get their software working instantly, they spend the DB users more privileges than is actually necessary.
@Ansgar: Do you have interests to such an privilege editor in the main HeidiSQL distribution?
Greets Cody