copy snippets to new folder

dmikester1's profile image dmikester1 posted 7 years ago in General Permalink

Is it possible to copy the existing snippets to the new folder. After I installed the new update, I had no snippets and I freaked out and thought they had somehow gotten deleted or something. After some digging, I found out what happened and where they were. Thanks!

dmikester1's profile image dmikester1 posted 7 years ago Permalink

I'm asking if its possible to copy the snippets during the installation so the transition is seamless.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 7 years ago Permalink

Oh yes, the default directory for snippets has changed. Previously in C:\ProgramData\HeidiSQL\, now in C:\Users\myUsername\Documents\HeidiSQL. That's a problem if the user never customized that directory, in the preferences, as now HeidiSQL shows files from the second directory, while they still are in the first one.

The reason for that change was issue #60 - a requirement for publishing it in the Microsoft Store. Good that I did not make a new release yet, so I can probably add some transfer logic as you say.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 7 years ago Permalink

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