Instability when putting computer to sleep (with Heidi open), then later resuming.

aSystemOverload's profile image aSystemOverload posted 6 years ago in General Permalink

Heidi non-responsive for several minutes, RAM increased to 500M, eventually application crashed (RESTART|CONTINUE|CLOSE).

1 attachment(s):
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 6 years ago Permalink
exception class    : Unknown
exception message  : Unknown.

main thread ($53bc):
00aed894 heidisql.exe  dbconnection 2652 +47 TAdoDBConnection.Query
7ff88847 gdi32full.dll                       GdiAlphaBlend

Ok that "unknown" exception is quite... meaningless. But I'll see if I find some way to handle the exception and at least let the connection terminate in some normal way.

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