Unable to find database

Wasabe's profile image Wasabe posted 4 years ago in Creating a connection Permalink

I am in the process of switching to a new computer. I have a previously function MariaDB database (called 'fr_project') which is located on GoogleDrive.

On the new computer, I have installed MariaDB & HeidiSQL. I have set my.ini to point to the GoogleDrive folder where I can see the project folder containing the .frm and .ibd files.

I have imported the settings file from the older pc to the new pc. When I start Heidi on the new pc, I can see the session manager, and the settings are exactly the same as on the old PC. When I try to connect the session, I got it seems to open, and shows the project name, but when I click on the project, it shows an error: SQL Error (1049) Unknown database 'fr_project'.

What is wrong? Is it looking for the data directory in the wrong location, even though I changed my.ini? Or the path in my.ini is incorrect? Or MariaDB isn't running correctly?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

I'd recommend to reset the "Databases" setting in HeidiSQL's session manager first. That way you will see a list of all existing databases.


Wasabe's profile image Wasabe posted 4 years ago Permalink

Thanks Ansgar. In the databases select, I can see: information_schema, mysql, performance_schema, and sys. I can not see the name of my database. How can I tell WHERE Heidi is looking for the database?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

Heidi looks up the database list on the server you specified (host/user/password).

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