In editor, write(or edit) a long query,
press Ctrl+z multiple times press Ctrl + shift + z multiple time make query ruined( = cannot recover as enter earlier).
In editor, write(or edit) a long query,
press Ctrl+z multiple times press Ctrl + shift + z multiple time make query ruined( = cannot recover as enter earlier).
set a query as below
move to cursor at the begining of keyword 'code'. and type strings in sequence that
type each char 'M.A.X.(' >> press 'END' >> type '). .a.s. .c.o.d.e' >> press Ctrl + z >> repeat Ctrl + z finally you can see the bug that wrongly recover and remove word.
I just see this undo issue was already reported in issue #1047. The hanging was reported in issue #1568 - I am still trying to reproduce it, with very few luck.
sorry, I didn't get the auto mail for this. the answer you ask are
What I'm keep trying to say about Editor's issues all connected to memory crash that access violation or hooking chain trouble that cause of app hang/freezing. it also affecting other part crash, which you have a lot. (Here, personal opinion. I think, you need seriously look into and rebuild the editor component by your own hand from the scratch that fully understand the memory pointer and system detail which lower level than Delphi RAD tool not by using external control. Without doing this, you never going to get out from the chaos crash mystery)
For your understanding simply give you the HeidlSQL error situation.
Beware that your app really facing serious situation.
I have tha sames problem, since i started to work with heidi, i learned worked with him tring evitate these problem, for example for not freezing made one thing at a time, never programming while something is running, i try evitate using ctrl + space to auto complete some code etc...
But for me the worse problem is that Ctrl Z and ctrl Shift Z, because you can lost parts of you code when this issue occur.
If Can I help in something to resolve these problem, Im in.
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