Possible bug: Heidi seems to crash MariaDB

Olaf789's profile image Olaf789 posted 2 years ago in General Permalink

On multiple occasions the latest builds 12.1.0.xxxx seem to crash my MariaDB server (10.6.9 and 10.6.10) when running longer querie scripts with multiple SQL statements. The queries do not seem to be the problem as they work fine from the MariaDB client. The database is big and queries can run for quite some time. So it is most likely something in the interface between MariaDB and HeidSQL. And it does not mean the bug is with HeidiSQL. It could also be MariaDB acting up. Any suggestion on how to proceed here? Has anyone seen something like this before?

What I will try:

  • Run the same files using DBeaver (I promise I will not go over to the dark side)
  • Check with MariaDB if they know about something like this

Thanks for your help.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

I would first check if the other libraries cause the same issue (libmysql-6.1.dll and the even older libmysql.dll).

Also, I would doublecheck if you have activated the "batch-in-one-go" mode and disable it:


Olaf789's profile image Olaf789 posted 2 years ago Permalink

Hmm, ... I can check this faster than the other things. I will give it a try tomorrow

Olaf789's profile image Olaf789 posted 2 years ago Permalink
  1. DBeaver: no crash
  2. libmariadb. Your Suggestion: Send batch in one go off, Send queries one by one on (That was on by default, but I have used HeidSQL for so long ...): no crash

Does this help?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Then this is something in HeidiSQL's code for the "batch in one go" option. I recommend to leave that one "one by one". I will check that with MariaDB 10.6.x. Was it crashing all the time, or just for longer running queries?

Olaf789's profile image Olaf789 posted 2 years ago Permalink

Thanks. I will do that. I find HeidiSQL very useful.For now I was creating the scripts in Heidi and running them direct via the mariadb client. Kind of an annoying way to do things.

It was mostly on the longer ones. When executing the same query script, it seems to crash at the same point it the file. Typically somewhere between query 10 and 20. Files range in duration between 3 - 30 minutes on my system.

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