Pictures in heidisql

K13483's profile image K13483 posted 2 years ago in General Permalink

I have a problem,I first upload picture and have promblem

I input picture to sql like folowing Description

but when I want to look the picture,it has error:'png:this "portable network graphics" img is not valid because it contains invalid pieces of data.....'


What's happened~and can it be solved

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Do not rely on the picture viewer in HeidiSQL, it may detect errors when the stream is still correct. Better use the "Save blob to file" and open the file in an external image viewer to test.

K13483's profile image K13483 posted 2 years ago Permalink

Thanks your reply... sorry I'm stupid... 1."Save blob to file" can show picture?~~I'm not sure what I do correct whether or not~ like this? Description

2.external image viewer like some Data visualization tools that can import SQL data?~

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

I meant, instead of using the context menu in the grid: "Grid view options" > "Image preview", I would click "Save BLOB to file", and open the created file in an external image viewer:


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