heidisql -p Safety Problem

chieflu's profile image chieflu posted 2 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink

if start heidisql in cmd line mode like : -p=123456 (suppose password is 123456). I can see my password in process info with the command : wmic process pid(heidisql Process id)

Do you consider to hide the password in the command line startup mode? As I known the PlsqlDeveloper 15 has already hidden the password in the command line startup mode.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

If there's a way to do that I would of course do so. I was thinking the command line cannot be modified for the process list. Do you know some more details about the way PlsqlDeveloper does it?

chieflu's profile image chieflu posted 2 years ago Permalink

I don't have the authority to post a link,so I copy some code from the website "ired.team" The topic is Masquerading Processes in Userland via _PEB



int main()
    HANDLE h = GetCurrentProcess();
    ULONG lenght = 0;
    HINSTANCE ntdll;
    MYPROC GetProcessInformation;
    wchar_t commandline[] = L"C:\\windows\\system32\\notepad.exe";
    ntdll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("Ntdll.dll"));

    //resolve address of NtQueryInformationProcess in ntdll.dll
    GetProcessInformation = (MYPROC)GetProcAddress(ntdll, "NtQueryInformationProcess");

    //get _PEB object
    (GetProcessInformation)(h, ProcessBasicInformation, &ProcessInformation, sizeof(ProcessInformation), &lenght);

    //replace commandline and imagepathname
    ProcessInformation.PebBaseAddress->ProcessParameters->CommandLine.Buffer = commandline;
    ProcessInformation.PebBaseAddress->ProcessParameters->ImagePathName.Buffer = commandline;

    return 0;
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Ok, that is C Syntax. HeidiSQL is written in Delphi, so this might be of some help for me: https://theroadtodelphi.com/2011/07/20/two-ways-to-get-the-command-line-of-another-process-using-delphi/ But that does not look as if one can write to the CommandLine property pointer. Not sure. However, quite a bit effort for such cases.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Not that it makes a difference for security, but I just see the official MySQL client does not hide a password in the command line as well:


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