15GB import done but only 10MB database (no errors!?)

efsjouw's profile image efsjouw posted 2 years ago in Import/Export Permalink

So eh I just imported 15GB of data and now I ended with a database of only 10MB, there were probably some errors but there are literaly 100,000's of affected rows when I import it and now there is no data at all!?

For some reason \ in the path of the export (and other) in the UI shows up as a striked through W character?

Just over a few minutes in I already have a couple million rows affected, so where did all my data go?

1 attachment(s):
  • sdfgsdfgdfdgdfg
efsjouw's profile image efsjouw posted 2 years ago Permalink

And yes I know the export in the image is only create statements, I divided it into two exports one for the data and another for creation.

I have no idea what It was even doing if it the import was taking so long then where did all the data even go and what was is trying to do?

efsjouw's profile image efsjouw posted 2 years ago Permalink

Strange it keeps reporting it as being 10 MiB but it should be a lot larger, there is actually data in there only I think it is reporting the size incorrectly

1 attachment(s):
  • zzzzzyyyzyzy

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