My tables contain columns with text pointing to URLs on my home network or the web. It would be great to use a keyboard combination or a right click sub-menu to lad the page on the system browser.
a most welcome feature
Totally missed it! Thank you for taking the time.
That's definitely helpful but a keyboard combo would be ideal and I haven't found a way to do this in preferences. Can you add the context menu commands? Some are already implemented under Various. Loading the url to the system browser would be fine. Even better would be the ability to select a browser.
That's fine and works. And I found where to connect it to a keyboard combination in Preferences->Sortcuts->Data->Open URL. Totally missed another one.
Can you offer an option in the same place supply to use the current browser window or a new browser window? In the languages I know that's possible through one of the flags in the window open command. Or did I miss this one as well?
HeidiSQL just calls ShellExecute
to let the OS open the URL with its default application. There is nothing additionally. Creating a new window with that function would require much more, for instance creating a process internally, and pass its window handle to ShellExecute. That's currently not supported in HeidiSQL.
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