I'm seeing an inconsistency in HeidiSQL (latest stable version); the database is MariaDB. I did a server migration and the data on older records became corrupted. So based on some suggestions used INSERT IGNORE
to import newer (though not corrupted) entries from database2 to the non-corrupted backup of database1.
In the database view tab with the list of tables the table in question has 3,849 rows in database1 and 3,932 rows in database 2. However when I run the following queries:
SELECT COUNT(id), MAX(id) FROM database1.table1;
SELECT COUNT(id), MAX(id) FROM database2.table1;
The results are both 4,017 rows (id) and 4,244 for the max id
Going to the data tab and reverse-sorting the id
column the highest id
is 4,244 so at least that looks correct.
So, this looks like a bug though I have also never done an INSERT IGNORE
before. Some help please?