Access denied errors in latest snapshots

kalvaro's profile image kalvaro posted 15 years ago in Creating a connection Permalink
I have a stored connection for a remote 4.1.22 server. I've been logging in without any issue with HeidiSQL 4.0 (and it still works fine) but when I try to log in latest snapshot ( I get an access denied error:

SQL Error (1045): Access defined for user 'my_user'@'my_public_ip' (using password: YES)

Password should be okay (after all, both versions read settings from the same registry key) and, curiously, I can log with my other user in the same server with either versions. Anyway, I've tried to re-enter the password but it didn't help.

Any idea?
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 15 years ago Permalink
Having some critical character in your password or username?
kalvaro's profile image kalvaro posted 15 years ago Permalink
Good point: it's random password that starts with

kalvaro's profile image kalvaro posted 15 years ago Permalink
So, it's a bug or something?
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 15 years ago Permalink
I'm unsure. Could be some Unicode related issue, but who knows. Please try setting a different password.

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