Halo, I'm a newbie in this forum. I used HeidiSQL for 2 years, and i think this is the best application to manage MySQL databases.
I'm very pleaseured that I found color customizations for the SQL syntax hgilighting, but I missed the predefined color themes. (To spare my eyes I set light foreground and dark background in all editors)
To customize the session's background also a very good idea, but it has a little problem: cannot set the font color. When I tried to set black the session's background, the text disappeared.
- Please add color themes for syntax highlighting
- Let the user set the session font color, not just background
What is your opiniion?
Syntax higlighting and color customization
- Themes: don't think many people would use that. Most users want to set the single colors I guess.
- Session font color is auto-calculated in a way that if you set a dark background, font color should be some light one. Scratch head... at least that's what I remember I implemented several months ago. Tested that?
- Session font color is auto-calculated in a way that if you set a dark background, font color should be some light one. Scratch head... at least that's what I remember I implemented several months ago. Tested that?
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