Connecting to Oracle
I'm using the portable version 6 of HeidiSQL, well, I'm trying.
I want to connect HeidiSQL to Oracle with parameters but HeidiSQL is blocked when I try to open a connection.
Is there any workaround for this ?
Thank you.
* TOAD for Oracle, from Quest software: thé original and most powerful DB dev tool for Oracle. There are trial versions etc.
* SQL Developer, from Oracle: a FREE tool that is very much OK for most of the development and analysis on Oracle Databases.
and then I also found:
* SquirrelSQL: not used, no idea
* OpenOffice Base: an elementary front end in my opinion, but still if you only want to do an easy populate or reporting.
Its 3 years so is Oracle DB finally supported?
No, it isn't. If unsure, you can always check currently supported engines in the "Network type" combo inside Session Manager. The story is that HeidiSQL is basically a one-man project and adding support for a DBMS is a hugue task.
As about the 3-year interim, it's not as if software features grow by themselves as long as you water them. You're probably thinking of trees ;-)
A whole section of the industry moved away from MySQL towards MariaDB simply because Oracle was becoming an asshat. If you want to work with commercial db's like SQL use their commercial support tools. You pay for support after all; if their tools are insufficient go whine where you dropped your wallet.
Ever thought of the fact that Anse would probably have to pay Oracle for actually implementing "their" subsets, seeing how Oracle is handling matters at the moment? Your year-long nagging does not change the fact that a shareware author will hardly pay Oracle big money just so that freeloaders like you shut up nagging.
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