Crash report

kalvaro's profile image kalvaro posted 13 years ago in Running SQL scripts Permalink
The computer had been hibernated. I hit "Run" and:

date/time         : 2011-07-01, 09:00:20, 791ms
operating system  : Windows XP Service Pack 3 build 2600
system language   : Spanish
system up time    : 20 hours 28 minutes
program up time   : 19 hours 47 minutes
processors        : 2x Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz
physical memory   : 421/991 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (C:) 4,41 GB (E:) 10,76 GB
display mode      : 1280x1024, 32 bit
process id        : $734
allocated memory  : 14,89 MB
executable        : heidisql.exe
exec. date/time   : 2011-06-27 09:04
version           :
compiled with     : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 3.0m beta 1
callstack crc     : $08df8500, $cf511ff1, $cf511ff1
exception number  : 1
exception class   : EAccessViolation
exception message : Access violation at address 00407890 in module 'heidisql.exe'. Read of address 0000002A.
main thread ($ecc):
00407890 heidisql.exe System        548   +0 @UStrAsg
00625e7f heidisql.exe VirtualTrees           TVirtualTreeColumn.SetText
007daef9 heidisql.exe Main         3939   +2 InitColumn
007db7b8 heidisql.exe Main         4099 +130 TMainForm.DataGridBeforePaint
0063792f heidisql.exe VirtualTrees           TBaseVirtualTree.DoBeforePaint
00646251 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees           TBaseVirtualTree.PaintTree
7c91e470 ntdll.dll                           KiUserCallbackDispatcher
0063e4d5 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees           TBaseVirtualTree.Paint
004f328b heidisql.exe Controls               TCustomControl.PaintWindow
004ed9e5 heidisql.exe Controls               TWinControl.PaintHandler
004ee1c4 heidisql.exe Controls               TWinControl.WMPaint
004f3225 heidisql.exe Controls               TCustomControl.WMPaint
006353c9 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees           TBaseVirtualTree.WMPaint
004e8f68 heidisql.exe Controls               TControl.WndProc
004e988e heidisql.exe Controls               TControl.WMMouseMove
004e8f68 heidisql.exe Controls               TControl.WndProc
004ed82c heidisql.exe Controls               TWinControl.WndProc
00640db0 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees           TBaseVirtualTree.WndProc
004ececc heidisql.exe Controls               TWinControl.MainWndProc
004ab73c heidisql.exe Classes                StdWndProc
7c91e470 ntdll.dll                           KiUserCallbackDispatcher
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 13 years ago Permalink
Sigh.. looks a bit random to me, never saw that before here, and I'm also hibernating each day. Also, this happened in the VirtualTree component, which I do not support directly. But I'll have a look at the code in TVirtualTreeColumn.SetText.

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