Hello guys sorry hope you can help me clear this up, I created a first an unnamed access to MySQL DB using Heidi Sql and logged in success, I created another heroku app and created another an unnamed access to it but can't login in saying errors with IP and password yes, yet I can log in to the first but can't login to this new second app.
Can't access MySQL DB of user using ip $$$ using password yes
So I deployed to heroku, create a a jawsDB MySQL as a free add-on. I configured the connections to the DB config files in PHP to that provided by heroku. So I want to Acess the DB now using Heidi Sql so that I can upload the local DB sql file. I can't access says Acess denied for user using ip ### using password yes. I can't access DB at all so how can I Acess yet I had earlier last week accessed database of another heroku app but can't access this one.
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